Thursday, October 1, 2009

Inlan Design is now on the web!  After two years of doing custom sign work for the Deland area, I am proud to announce our new web design services.  Getting a website can be a daunting task if you have no experience with the web or computers for that matter.  It can be a great tool that works like the best salesman you have ever had.  Think about it...  It's like having an employee that never sleeps, requires minimal oversight and can produce a giant boost in driving sales.

Not all web sites are created equally, so just because you might have a web site doesn't mean it will actually produce good leads and do it's job.  It isn't necessary to spend thousands either to have a useful site.  In between the economy priced, vanilla boring web sites and premium, flash induced, cost a whole lot site exists the great web site that doesn't break the bank, looks professional and keeps the register ringing.  This is where we exist.  IF you want that vanilla template based  website we won't do it!  Its part of my own standards that whatever we produce must be on par with the designs and layout of the best in the industry or as close as possible given your ideal budget.

Many people forego the idea of a website thinking that it isn't necessary.  I can hear some of them say," We've been fine without one, so why spend that money?".  True, you have been fine without one, but that isn't the point.  What could your business be with a proper presence on the web?  Do you know that the market is more and more becoming online based?  So many people buying and selling online.  So many people searching for that one particular thing, ready to buy it once it's found.  Is there a demand for what your products or services online?  All it takes is being there when someone searches and providing them with the right information and possible persuasion so they can act.

So, welcome to the new possibilities and potential your business could have.